Joining YESPA


Ultimately musical theatre is FUN! Our young performers experience the joy of working hard to achieve high standards of performance which in turn entertain and captivate our audiences. It is easy to join YESPA and there are no auditions in order to become a member. Members are welcome to attend all of our Weekend Workshops and social events and to attend an audition to be part of our summer production.

If you love theatre and like the idea of being part of something fun and memorable then join us at YESPA.

Membership starts at £10.00 per year for 8 - 17 years, and 18+ years in full-time education), rising to £15.00 per year for 18+ year olds out of education. YESPA welcomes children and young adults aged 11 - 21 years, with limited places for confident 8 - 10 year olds. Family membership (for 2 or more family members living at the same address) is £25 per year.  Membership runs annually from January to December. Membership for existing members needs renewing on 1st January each year. However, for anyone joining YESPA between September-December (or after the summer production has taken place), their Membership will remain valid until December 31st of the following year.

Complete our Youth Membership form here. 

Show Fees Summer 2024

YESPA offer some of the most competitive acting fees in order to make our productions as accessible to as many young people as possible.

Age 11 - 21 years | £210 (50% due 20th April, 50% due 20th June)
Age 8 - 10 years | £190 (50% due 20th April, 50% due 20th June)
2nd sibling/family member (over 10 years only) |£190

Show Contract will be delivered to you by email : 20th March

Withdrawal Policy: 

Before 20th April, no fees retained
Between 21st April and 20th June - 50% of show fees retained
After 20th June - 100% of show fees retained


YESPA believes that young people should have the opportunity to engage with the arts without financial constraint. A variety of bursaries are available for those who would be unable to take part without financial assistance. Enquiries and Applications can be emailed in confidence to Ali Bond at: .  Applications need not be sent in until after the auditions have taken place and you have received an invitation to join the cast of the show, but Ali is available for a chat about bursaries before the auditions or indeed at any time.  When applying for a bursary, an indication of the approximate amount you would like to apply for would be helpful.  We will help as much as we can depending on the number of applicants and the funds available.

Eddie and Mary Waller Bursary (£50)

Eddie and Mary Waller held a deep commitment to the arts in Reigate and Banstead Borough over several decades. Their particular interest was in encouraging youth participation. They both held the position of Joint Presidents of The Opera Club of Reigate and Redhill until Mary’s death in 2009. Eddie continued in the role until 2014 when the Opera Club merged with ESOS to form ESOSOC. Together with Fred Harrison, Eddie was appointed Joint President of ESOSOC and remained in this role until his death in 2016.

Eddie and Mary Waller have bequeathed to YESPA a bursary to be awarded annually to a young person who wishes to participate in YESPA workshops and/or the summer show but who would be unable to do so without financial assistance.

Fred Harrison Bursary (100% of show fees)

YESPA is delighted to launch the Fred Harrison Bursary in memory of and with gratitude to our much loved late ESPA President who died in 2022. Fred supported the arts in the borough in numerous ways and had a special place in his heart reserved for ESPA and YESPA. His greatest wish was that young people from all walks of life should be able to enjoy the musical theatre hobby that had given him so much joy over many years.

This bursary is for disadvantaged families and is administered by Trustees of a third party charity. The decision on eligibility for an award is made at the discretion of the Trustees not by the YESPA Leadership team, but we are very happy to put forward and support deserving applications. 

Applicants must be:

The YESPA Hardship Bursary (Various amounts from £60)

For those who would not be able to take part without financial support. An indication of the amount you are applying for would be helpful.

Bursary application deadline: 2024 season | Sun 4th February 2024

Discounts for Students and self-supporting 18-21 year olds

If you are a student, or an adult aged 18 or older in a low-income job who no longer receives financial support from your parents then you are eligible to apply for a show fees discount.  To do this please request a conversation with Ali Bond and she will discuss your situation with you and let you know what might be possible. Email her at:

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer and you would like to Gift Aid your subscription to ESPA (Registered Charity No. 1122724) then please complete the 2nd page of your membership application form.  Thank you so much, we appreciate it!